20 June 2012

So difficult to believe, when our children are still small, that as they grow, they will forget many of the details of their childhood. Mysteriously, our children seem to fall asleep when they hit adolescence, and their childhood memories slip away like a dream when they wake up in the throes of their teen years. What they do remember, feels like ancient history to them, even though their parents feel like it was only yesterday. A particular snowman. A field of fireflies on a starlit night. Lying on a blanket watching shooting stars. These are the memories that keep, and that we share together when the small child disappears in to the adult.
My son and I used to celebrate the turning points of the year. On our nature walks we sometimes made up songs and celebrations of the moment. Songs, I've found, are a way to keep memory alive. We remember that which is rhymed. This is why the ancient societies, which did not rely on the written word, committed their history and stories to verse. Today I would like to share with you a verse of a little song for the Summer Solstice.

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